Please consider us for your next CE Class

All classes are offered in ZOOM, Hybrid & Classroom format

Fair Housing

  • Things to Know (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • History of Fair Housing
    • Top Violations in Real Estate
    • Current examples and exercises
  • Stay In the Lines (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Advertising Rules
    • Fair Housing Testers
    • How to Avoid Fair Housing Violations
  • Navigating Fair Housing (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • NAR Fairhaven
    • Bias
    • How to stay out of trouble


  • Do I Have to Tell? (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Required Disclosures
    • Current Disclosures issues in today’s market
    • Forms to help with Disclosure
  • BINSR-Protect Your Client (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Required Disclosures
    • Inspections and BISNR
    • Contract on Disclosure

Legal Issues

  • Avoid Bumps in the Road (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • How does the Handyman Exemption work?
    • What can my assistant do?
    • What are the Rules with Teams?
  • COE: Stay Out of Trouble (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Meets NAR Code of Ethics Training requirements
    • Deed Fraud
    • Avoiding Disputes


  • Contracts Are in the Details (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • What Drives you nuts when you receive a contract?
    • What forms are out there to help us?
    • Cure notice – friend or foe?
  • Negotiate the Listing (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • ER Form in detail
    • Buyer Broker Agreement
    • Additional Forms to help Disclsoure

 Commissioner Standards

  • COE-What Rule is That? (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Meets NAR Code of Ethics Training requirements
    • Why do we have the Code of Ethics and Commissioner Rules?
    • What do I do if there is a violation?
  • Rules of the Jungle (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Meets NAR Code of Ethics Training requirements
    • Real life scenarios that discuss R4-28-110 fiduciary duties
    • Real life scenarios that discuss R4-28-502 advertising
  • Broker Management Clinic 1, 2 & 3 (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • BMC 3 counts toward Code of Ethics

 Agency Law

  • COE – Wild for Agency (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Meets NAR Code of Ethics Training requirements
    • What duties do we owe to client and customers.
    • What is Reasonable Standard of Care
  • COE – What Does Agency Mean? (Instructor: Keri Means)
    • Meets NAR Code of Ethics Training requirements
    • What is our fiduciary duty for agency?
    • Practical applications of our duties.


  • Purchasing Power of Reverse Mortgage (Instructor: Jennifer Mathus)

IDW (Instructor: Keri Means)

  • Zoom with the Best – Zoom training (3hrs CE)
  • Which Way? – Hybrid training (3hrs CE)
  • Know Your Voice (3hrs CE)

Fee: Call for details

Don’t see a class or category listed. Will do a specific category upon request with 45 day notice.


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