A Module is self paced online class that will help you to get to know yourself in your spirituality and humanity, so you become intuned into knowing your intuition.

Discover your TRUTH and what triggers emotional patterns while learning stronger communication skills. Healing old patterns is an essential part of becoming intuitively guided.

Relationships professionally and personally affect our ability to function daily, whether we like it or not. Define what is needed to sustain healthy practices and bottom lines to negotiate successful outcomes in any relationship.

As humans, we are all unique individuals with different characteristics that help us to live purposefully if we stay true to ourselves. Uncover the best parts of your personality to embrace your roles in life. Identify your balance points in the body to feel harmony again.

*Many have shut down their intuitive abilities as they have experienced judgment or have judged their authentic self critically. Awaken that buried authentic “spiritual truth” inside yourself so that you can live your true potential.


*Identify what you’re here to contribute and learn how to fulfill that purpose with an intuitive edge. Uncover the path you travel that will ultimately bring you personal awakening.

*Day-by-day routines turn into beliefs, and when they no longer serve you, they begin to strangle you with limits that cause you to desire something new. Learn how to release these old beliefs and unconscious patterns that no longer serve you so you can get the most out of life.

*Clear the clutter of guilt and mental noise to pave the way for manifesting your heart’s desires. With discipline and accountability, stop letting pain, struggle, and fear be a motivator on the path to changing your life.

**Bring together and implement the tools of your unique ID Blueprint™ and intuitively live the 6 areas of your life joyfully and effectively. You’ll now have a personalized “roadmap” to help you navigate life’s challenges.

Module Review is a hour review on zoom of the module including confirmation of words. There will be 1-4 students in a Module Review.

*Module can not be started until Modules 1-3  are completed.

**Module can not be started until Modules 1-7 are completed.

Modules 4-8 can only be purchased as a package.

Realizing who your true self is helps you see things clearer and to not feel the need to defend your actions to others. When you identify  ancestural patterns, in yourself and others you are more likely to  experience life in a different way

Tish murphy

Jewelry Maker/Instructor
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